Well not what we were expecting! The forecasters were promising bigger and better for 2021, the continued rise of the destination wedding, extended wedding celebrations over two or three days; and the surge of grazing tables and sharing food.
Then came the pandemic, lockdown and the reduction in wedding guests at receptions, first t0 30 and then to 15 (in England). As we now face another rise in Covid cases and many areas of the UK are placed in local lockdown, there doesn't seem to be any end in sight and weddings in the early part of 2021 will certainly be impacted by social distancing restrictions. In fact, I hate to be the bearer of bad news but the whole wedding season in 2021 is in jeopardy with restrictions likely to be in place for some time to come. This will have a massive impact on an already beleaguered wedding industry.

Venue: Middleton Lodge
So what can we expect?
Unfortunately for some, the big wedding has gone, if not for good then certainly for a while. With numbers continuing to be restricted, Micro Weddings will continue to rise in popularity and likely to be the chosen option for next year. There is something much more intimate, personal and romantic about a smaller wedding with just your chosen closest family and friends. Small weddings also save costs in these difficult times, which doesn't necessarily help venues or suppliers, but after the year we've had something is better than nothing.
But small weddings aren't always about saving money, with a micro wedding the focus can be on the guest experience and quality over quantity. Many couples are spending the same budget but with less guests, increasing their spend on those luxury items that a larger 100 to 150 wedding made unaffordable. Increasing their spend on flowers, table settings and those extra special touches.
A growing trend in the USA is a Minimony, perfect for those couples who just want to get married. It's just what is says a mini ceremony with a handful of family or friends, less than 10 guests. The ceremony is followed by a celebratory meal and a few select suppliers such as flowers and a mini version of the wedding cake.

Many couples have decided to postpone their wedding celebrations completely until next year or even 2022, but there are an increasing number who want to slip away quickly and just get married for a variety of reasons. As the effects of Covid-19 continue, many people are re-evaluating what's important to them and many will choose to just get married. Just the Two of Us. Years ago this was called an elopement and couples went off in secret to the local registry office or Gretna Green, a runaway wedding.
Some couples who host a Minimony or chose to have a Runaway Wedding will hope to be part of the next big trend......the Sequel Wedding where they celebrate their wedding as they originally hoped in front of 100 to 150 guests with a celebrant or humanist led wedding and party without all the usual formality a wedding brings, just a year later on their 1st anniversary.
A return to Tradition
How many times have you been to a wedding and after the couples first dance the dance floor remains embarrassingly empty. Under, the current government restrictions dancing and singing is not permitted. So with no first dance and no evening entertainment, band or DJ, wedding receptions are finishing earlier and cutting out the party; after all its not much of a party if there's less than 30 of you!
So I really hope we see the return of waving the wedding couple off to their special night together.
Something else I'd like to see the return of is some reflection and remembrance about what weddings are all about, love, family, commitment and togetherness. More value placed on the sentimental moments of the day, including spending time with those who matter most and more time for the couple alone together to recognise their special day. Too often with weddings it's over in a flash.
The return of acts of gratitude to parents, grandparents or other special people involved in the wedding and wedding planning. Charity donations instead of favours or wedding gifts and remembering those who are no longer with us, whether its with a photo display, shot table or lighting candles.

Including buying local, keeping the food miles down and supporting local businesses and suppliers. Garden flowers and potted plants as table centres that can be taken home by guests or replanted and planting trees to represent your wedding day and help counter act the carbon footprint caused by the wedding.

Whether you're a wedding venue or wedding supplier have you considered what weddings might look like next year; its not enough to be hoping for the best, you need to be changing your thinking and what you offer now. If you need assistance please don't hesitate to get in touch via magnoliaandmeconsultancy@gmail.com