Its nearly here, that magical time of the year when we get butterflies in our tummies through excitement and nerves, worry that something might go wrong or it won’t be a success. Determined that Covid will not ruin this special time. No we’re not taking Christmas! Well not directly, yes you’ve got it…..... Engagement Season is looming!
Through December into January and up to Valentine’s Day is the most popular time of the year for asking that loved one to spend the rest of their lives with you. According to Bridebook, over 40% of engagements will happen over the next 3 months.
Are you ready for the onslaught of enquiries that will come via email, phone, social media and all your advertising platforms. Most importantly can you ensure that you receive only the “True” enquiries, so you can spend your maximum time on those enquiries that are truly relevant to you, those that you might be able to convert, those that will buy into your venue, product or service and not those enquiries that are blanket emailing everyone and are likely to ghost you.

Photographer: Francesa Hill Photography Venue: Gileston Manor
So just how do you go about maximizing the “True” enquiries and making sure those are the enquiries that come through. First of all….
Are you attracting the right Customer!
Do you know who your ideal customer is? Does your website tell your story and talk to your ideal couple? What do your images say about your services or venue, does it show beautiful real weddings and show your product at its best and most importantly show your true value.
For example, do you have chair covers and bows in lots of your photos, or photos of empty rooms. Then if you do, you are immediately showing that your not up to date or on trend, you’re not instagramable; lots of potential customers are passing you buy. My other annoyance of photos on websites and social media is attention to detail, such as poor lighting, jackets on chairs, dirty glasses on tables, wonky chairs and tablecloths that are creased or don’t reach the floor; you’re showing that you don’t care about the little things and little things make all the difference. Use professional photos if you can, liaise with local photographers for professional photos, it will make all the difference.
Are your prices clear and available on line. If you offer various types of packages make sure all of these are listed and understandable on your website; state what they include so potential customer will see their true value. It is no benefit to anyone if you only show your lowest price, for example a Tuesday in February if you’re a venue or for example packages from £250, when really the cost is much much more for your services. Its misleading and immediately attracts the wrong type of customer. Have a pricing strategy and be proud of it, don’t devalue your product or services.

Are they engaging with you!
Once you’ve attracted your ideal couple make it easy for them to engage with you by having an enquiry box on your website and a downloadable brochure. Have them complete an enquiry form with their details and get in touch with you whilst you have their attention. Don’t make them write down contact details and have to leave your website to contact you.
Once they get in touch, reply as soon as possible, don’t leave enquiries waiting for a few days or even a few weeks. I recently made a few enquiries of my own, only 60% of emails were answered within 24 hours, around 30% took a little longer and the remainder did not get a reply.
Its essential that you reply promptly, modern couples expect a quick response or they move on. After you’ve made the effort to attract the “true” couple, don’t lose them through a lack of organization.
Are you engaging with them?
It’s also important to answer any questions which may have been asked, many email responses from my exercise were standard templates with no attempt to make the email response personal. Now I hate automatic replies but I do love a template, anything to make life easier but it has to be used as a base which can be personalised to what may have been asked, such as availability, cost etc.
Include a reason for your potential customer to respond, if they’ve not mentioned a preferred wedding date or their numbers ask them. Also invite them for a viewing, give them two dates and times as options. Make sure you sound interested in them and their plans, they are more likely to reply to an email that makes an effort.
Pick up the Telephone
I’m going to be slightly radical here, but I’m a bit old school and whilst I know millennials love to text, Whatsapp, email or anything other than talk to a person on the phone, what I also know is that brides do love to chat about weddings, especially their weddings. So why not prick up that phone!
Selling is a conversation, brides love to chat. People also buy from people they make a connection with and there’s no better way than making a connection than actually talking. The greater the connection the more likely they are to buy into the product and you.
Talking also has the added benefit of learning as much about your potential couple before they actually attend an appointment, so that once you actually meet you have an idea of what they are actually looking for in their dream wedding; it makes the sell that much easier. It also lets you screen your potential couples before you fix that appointment, make sure they are a right fit for you and your product, service or venue.
Photographer: Pure Creations Photography Venue: Hensol Castle
After the appointment
Once you’ve met your ideal couple and discussed how perfect your product/venue is for them, don’t leave the next move up to them. Follow up the same day or the next day at the latest, summarise everything you chatted about in your meeting, make the email personal by mentioning something about them that they spoke about in the meeting, but most of all ask for the sale! Ask them if they would like to provisionally hold their preferred date whilst they consider the options, tell them how they can confirm the booking and how to pay the deposit. Don’t be afraid of the opposition, don’t be desperate in your email, just be confident that you are perfect for them, you’ve done all you can.

If you would like to know more or require any help with putting into place any of the points above please get in touch via or check out we’d be happy to help.
Wishing you the best of luck, let me know how it goes! all the above seems too much to implement in one go check out my Top Tips for a successful proposal season.
Wishing you the best of luck, let me know how it goes!
